(Post by: Lilly Hobbs)

I suppose that a lot of people think I’m crazy for saying and doing the stuff I do on a daily basis. Not just within The Few, but daily life. I’m not going to lie. So often I question why many Christians do not show any sign of change or of being radical for Christ.

I struggle a lot with that. Maybe you do too?

Madie and I are usually labeled as the “crazy girls” in friend groups because we don’t “take a break” when it comes to talking about what Jesus would want us to do, or spending time talking to that individual girl that’s struggling and needs someone to just speak into them spiritually.

People don’t like that. They don’t like that when Madie and I choose to hang out with them it doesn’t necessarily mean we’re going to go along with what everybody else may be in favor of doing. Not because we are anything important, but because He is our priority.

Can I just share my heart here?

Truth is, I’m sick of the American version of Christianity. It’s not Biblical! The American Church has turned church-goers into consumers instead of contributors (1 Cor. 12), and it’s the exact opposite of what Jesus has called His followers to.

We are no longer focused on the mission, and we quickly forget that there are real people going to a real hell.

There have been more times than I can count that I have questioned if I am too overbearing or if I’m too serious when it comes to this whole Jesus thing. But, then I read verses like this…

Matthew 24: 42-44 says, “Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what part of the night the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and would not have let his house be broken into. Therefore, you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

The question I want us all to ask ourselves today is whether or not that verse has any kind of effect on our everyday way of life? Let’s get more specific… Does it effect your choices? How about your time?

How you spend your time, is how you spend your life.

One of the craziest things that I do NOT understand about Christians today is that they don’t even try. They don’t even try to be like Jesus even though they claim to believe He’s coming back, yet they can certainly train and try out for a sports team or a job they want.

Not only that, but they also seem to be completely ignorant of the fact that they can grieve the Holy Spirit within them! When we are disobeying the commands of Christ, we are grieving His spirit that is inside of us. See Ephesians 4:30.

What’s actually important? Have you ever asked yourself that question?

1 Corinthians 7:29-31 says, “This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away.”

The one thing I’ve been asking of the Lord recently is that He would give me a heart for the people who are lost and that I wouldn’t be so focused on myself. I think that a big reason many Christians aren’t even trying to be like Jesus and trying to be holy, is because we really just don’t care about anything except for ourselves.

However, we are told that the present form of this world is passing away. This is indeed no time to be inward focused. Jesus should not have to beg us to get our acts together. It should be a natural response on our part.

The time is short, and it is getting shorter second by second, day by day. You and I need to get serious about Jesus, now. It’s time to start trying.

I am the way I am because Jesus has radically impacted my life. I wouldn’t want to be any other way, and I certainly won’t apologize for it.

“For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.””  (1 Peter 1:16)


= Has Jesus radically impacted your life?

= How are you “trying” to exercise your faith?

= What are you going to do differently?

8 thoughts on “THE WAY I AM

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  1. “We are no longer focused on the mission, and we quickly forget that there are real people going to a real hell.” As I read this it really hit me because I am so guilty of it. I often find myself forgetting this and only focusing on the worldly problems. When I need to remember that there are people going hell. And what am I doing. Nothing. Now I am not saying that I do this all the time but looking back I definitely did it. I pray that I do start to focus on this more and really focus on those people who are going to hell right now and deepen my relationship with the Lord as well as helping others do the same.

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  2. Lilly, you and Madie are doing great things! You are doing self-less things! You are an example, just as we all should be. I too sometimes feel like the odd-man out, especially where I live. I often get odd looks or people simply do not listen. I have friends of own who identify as Christians and Jesus believers, yet when ever I bring Him up or topics that are extremely relevant to today, it seems that I am talking to a wall sometimes. A lot of the times they avoid the conversation and don’t reply. Why is it that people are so uncomfortable to face the Truth that saved them in the first place? When you focus on the spiritual/the Kingdom of God you are feeding the spirit. When you are feeding the flesh you are too focused on the world. We aren’t supposed to love the world. We can most definitely be grateful, but we shouldn’t get too attached. Especially if we see the many evils throughout the world creating chaos, confusion, and more. I think providing 1 Corinthians 7:29-31 was great. I definitely can see this playing out no doubt. I think you are spot on with everything you stated. I thank you for being bold in your faith and heeding to the Holy Spirit within you. In terms of the respond question of How are you “trying” to exercise your faith? Recently actually what the Holy Spirit has been prompting me to do is to be bold, honest, straight forward, and express all things in urgency and seriousness. As us being apart of the Body of Christ, some of the people within it , NEED IT. At first it might seem a little harsh, but I notice some of the time they thank you for it in the end. It definitely isn’t something I normally have done, but God has a way of working for sure.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I thank God for you, Jamie! The Lord speaks through you in so many powerful ways, and exactly when I need to hear it too! I love how you said, “Why is it that people are so uncomfortable to face the Truth that saved them in the first place?” Preach! I think that is a question so many of us need to be asking ourselves, especially in the time we’re living in. Jesus is truth, and we need to pursue Him above all else! 🤩🙌🏻

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  3. Good morning Lilly! Hey, give me some guidance on exactly what you want for the Father’s Day piece, content and length. Thank you! PG

    Sent from my iPhone


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    1. Hey! I usually aim to write two pages, but as you can see, I usually split it up quite a bit so that it’s easier to read when published! So as long as it’s not over three pages, it will work! I’m really not picky, so feel free to write however much you’d like. I was hoping that you could discuss your son, Joel, and his salvation story! I know that y’all prayed tirelessly over him for many years, and I think that would be encouraging for others to read, especially Father’s! Again, feel free to include anything you’d like, that was just an idea I had! 😁


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